Hardware based Copy Protection
Software based Activation
Rockey Dongles
ePass PKI
ePass OTP
Feitian Smart Cards
Payment Smart Card
Credit or debit payment cards bring us lots of convenience,comparing with traditional bank notes. But both card holders and issuers have to face the fact of frauds in the payment card industry. Hopefully, more and more key players from the payment card industry are inclined to secure card transactions by upgrading traditional mag-stripe card to smart card.
In view of the card upgrading implementation, cost and complexity of the smart card application development are the top two difficulties. Since the day that smart card came to the industry, the low-level assembly language is the most common platform for developers, which limit the resources and the slow down the progress.
Being an innovator in the smart card industry, Feitian keeps searching after to have the two problems sovled with better solutions, lower down the cost of the card and its development by adopting latest smart card technologis, such as Java and .NET. As a result, more and more high level programming language developers are able to touch the smart card development without have difficulties while "talking" to the chip.
Meanwhile, Feitian keeps working closely with the payment industry leaders, the chip providers and card issuer banks, and it makes Feitian growing up quickly to become a qualified payment card expert to deal with major payment card projects, based on various payment smart card specifications.

Product Features:
ISO/IEC 7816
EMV or other Payment Specificaitons
Credit and/or Debit Applications
e-Purse Applications
Contactless Payment (optional)
Mass on-chip Secure Memory
Multi-Application Mechanism
Multi-Level Access Control
Card-Terminal Cross Authentication Mechanism
Affordable for Mass Implementation and Customization
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